Setting up employee positions
The 5-5-5 Employee Positions window provides a way for you to classify employee positions.
Note that if you have set up departments to represent different offices, create duplicate employee positions for each office. Then assign the positions for each office to the corresponding departments.
To set up employee positions:
- Open 5-3-3 Employee Positions.
- For each position:
- In the Position# cell, enter the position number.
- In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the position.
- In the Job Wages cell, enter the direct labor account.
- In the Equipment Wages cell, enter the equipment/shop labor account.
- In the Other Wages cell, enter the overhead labor or administrative labor account.
- If relevant, in the Department cell, enter or select a department.
- If relevant, in the Notes cell, type a note and then save it.
- Click > .